Friday, April 12, 2019

Really Stupid Corporate Policies

Ok, The Job has really pissed me off this past couple of weeks.

They have a number of policies intended to protect company assets that are just plain useless.

#1 - only staff with "developer" in their title are allowed admin access to code repositories, despite a number of projects where the entire development staff has been on a revolving door, and only the manager is a continuous presence.  But we can't have one of the non-developers controlling access, can we?

#2 - despite a growing number of contract staff, several tasks can only be done be a full-time employee, which means that *I* get stuck with setting up those tasks for our projects and a couple of other groups'

#3 - Several tasks need approval by some specific level of management, and by 'specific' I mean exactly a certain level in the food chain.  Not "at least a 2nd-level manager", but "only 2nd-level manager, not 3rd, not 4th, etc"

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