Monday, October 29, 2018

Exceeding Authority

One of my cow-orkers keeps acting like he can dictate what I do.  We report to the same supervisor, and work on separate projects, although my projet is a data source for his.  But today we had a meeting about data formats and such, and he starts handing out tasks to me.  And it's a task that makes his life easier at a cost to my usability.


I do not work for him, and he knows this.  So I fire off an email to our common boss to outline that of the 3 items in the email, one is already in progress, one is clearly a bug that we will be addressing, and the third is a new *request*, and one that has ramifications to prospective other clients of our system.

I am pissed off that I had to do that.  This is not a case where there is a real vacuum in the structure.  And it comes from a guy who was all over our not sending as much data as we claimed we were, until he realized he had forgotten the multiple messages in a payload that we all had to deal with.

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