Thursday, July 12, 2018

Mega Low Maniacal (venting)

Ok, folks, I'm starting to get concerned that I'm either losing all estimation of my skills, or going full-bore diva.

I'm currently part of a small team (2 devs, one PM), and I'm finding it increasingly frustrating that I seem to be the only one on the team who has any idea of how to develop a software system.  If anything needs doing, I seem to be the only one who has any idea how.  If there is a bug in code, my suggestions as to cause or how to proceed are ignored, then turn out to be correct.  Members of another associated team make suggestions that for the most part are either already in place (sometimes obviously), or are totally irrelevant.

The other dev is very good at doing one thing at a time at best, and while they do create test harnesses for the code, does not seem to grasp the need to live testing *and* actually take the step to do it.  I have to push for the live tests.  If a stumbling block appears, all progress halts and it's a "what do I do now?"

I appear to be the only one looking at the system as a whole, and the only one taking action to do the things that need to be done.  Several times we have had the production build fail due to some issue with the other dev's code or build process, and I get to diagnose and fix that.

And I'm not even bitching about the housekeeping issues that I'm handling, which, due to the draconian security policies, are almost entirely manual, because we are not trusted with admin access to the systems.

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