Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Lying Liars

Ok, so The Job has me working for a manager, and he's hired a Project Manager contractor (some time back, I'm just setting the stage)

Recent corporate bullshit has led to a requirement that everyone be working on funded projects.

So my manager has decided what percentage of "work' everyone is doing on his funded projects, for the next few months.  To be fair, he's keeping everyone on paid-for work, so it's a good thought.  But b/c of this, the PM is asking me what tasks can be given to the 2 devs who are not really on our project to cover the percentage of time they are supposed to be working on our funded project.

So to assuage his conscience and not lie, he wants be to invent work for them, even if they really have no business working on our project (b/c they have no context, not for any skills issue)

I hate this bullshit

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