Friday, August 16, 2019

Do as I say, not as I do

I am beyond tired of being the one who has to follow all process and procedures, while being subject to other systems whose owners do not.

We had 2 major system failures this week, that essentially stopped our application from running or getting its data out.  In both cases, we were contacted by the downstream application teams, demanding to knwo th reason for the outage, and when it would be over.  Curiously, neither of the mission-critical systems that failed contacted us in any way, despite our system being well-documented as being on those machines and using that system.

Yet somehow, there seems to be no fallout to those systems for this utter lack of communication to the end users about this.

I may have complained previously about a manager who once told me that once I was told about a problem I had to "own it".  I responded with the obvious question - why didn't the person who told be about the problem have to own it?  I did not receive a good answer, except that the manager wanted to seem in control.

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