Friday, January 11, 2019

Doing the absolute minimum is A BAD FUCKING IDEA

This blog has become my vent for all the crap from The Job.

Ok, so we have a system that sends data into a central routing system, built by another group.  In order to be able to prove that any delays in the system are not due to our system being behind, we have a subscriber program that reads the data and checks transit time.  Because that project may get moved to other servers, we wrote a minimal subscriber to output just that info.

Cow-orker is tasked with writing the script to analyze that program's log files to track the time.

He write a program that expects every message output to be the one with the data he needs.  Absolutely no filtering by content at all.  So if we alter that message, or add other messages, that script will fail. 

All it would have taken is to filter for the 2 words before the data value to guarantee that only relevant messages would pass into the script.  But No!


I really wonder about people sometimes.

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