Thursday, February 02, 2006

Developer Tip: Defining an API

Ok, enough blather about theory, company politics, and other crap. How about something useful to an everyday developer?

When defining an API, make it as simple and as obvious as possible what data is actually being passed across the API.
  1. This will make the API much easier to document - the names of the fields in the structures/objects/messages will be mnemonic, and you can document them as comments in the IDL file.
  2. You can use an IDL translator to convert from one IDL to another, like RPC to CORBA, or from one language to another, like C to Python
  3. You can automate the argument marshalling code if you want to write one or both sides of the API in another language.
An example I have seen that violates this was an API that wrapped all the arguments inside functor objects that were templates typed by the number of arguments they took. It's a great utility mechanism, because all your calls across the API are compact, taking one argument, and no return value because the functor inside will handle all that when the callback is made.

HOWEVER, this API was aboslutely miserable to develop with, because you had to go deep into the code on both client and server sides to discover what the arguments being passed really were. We wanted to build a test framework to exercise a server, but we had to manually build the structures populate the arguments, instead of being able to build them automatically from the IDL files.

A counterexample is a typical RPC interface to C programs. It will have a number of structures defined in the .x file, and it's a small matter of programming to build, buy, or Google a program to parse the .x file and produce the other files to build a test scaffold from in the language of your choice.

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